Head Coach

Rogan Reid


Redefining Goal Setting: Achieve Goals That Truly Matter

Creating and setting goals is a fundamental aspect of anything to growth, whether that’s professional, personal, or otherwise. In fitness, it often doesn’t do us any good to set a goal to simply “work out more,” “eat better,” or even “get toned.” To see results, we need to define what those results should look like. 

To help demonstrate how to properly set goals for yourself to help aid you through your fitness journey, we’re going to (possibly re-) introduce you to the acronym: SMART. This stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. More on this below.

What is a SMART Goal in Fitness?

SMART goals allow us to focus, measure progress, and overcome procrastination. Each letter in the acronym, “SMART,” represents an aspect of goal-setting.

S-Specific means that our goals should be defined. Instead of “working out more,” we should instead consider setting a goal of being in the gym 2-3x a week. Rather than “eating better,” we might consider making sure that ⅔ of all our meals and snacks in a day are from whole foods. 

M-Measurable is a way to evaluate progress. We can look back each week to see which weeks we achieved our goal of going to the gym a certain number of times, or if our goal is weight loss, we might keep a note of each our new daily weigh-ins.

A-Achievable is the reality check of SMART goals. If you’re a newcomer to fitness, you might not set a goal to be in the gym for 3 hours every day. This is where having a personal trainer can come in handy. Is the goal you’re setting for yourself actually realistic?

R-Relevant is the why of your goal. Is it relevant to your personal growth? Does the goal make sense to your overall fitness journey? Setting a goal to be able to run a 5km race in under 25 minutes is great, but how does it tie into what you want from your time in the gym?

T-Time Bound is a way of creating parameters around your goal. You want to lose 3 pounds in a month. You want to be able to snatch 50kg by the end of the year. Again, ask your personal trainer what seems realistic to them. They’ll be aware of what your physical strengths (and weaknesses) are, so they may be able to adjust your course–or even give you a much-needed reality check. Work on your goals with a personal trainer; seeing things from a professional lens, they may be able to help you set your goals to ensure they match each of the SMART letters.

A Fitness Goal Tip: Set Daily Habits

The road to fitness can be made that much easier if you divide your goals up into daily habits. Is your goal to eat more whole foods? Make it a habit to include an egg in your breakfast every day. Want to lose a couple pounds? Make it a daily habit to hit a 10k step goal. Small daily goal-supporting habits can not only expedite you on your way to your goal but make it easier mentally to get over any hurdles you may be facing. A personal trainer can recommend some daily habits to include in your routine as well!

Why Set Goals in Fitness? 

Setting goals provides direction. When you’re new to fitness, it can be incredibly overwhelming to step into a gym–but there was probably a why that got you here. A want to lose weight, gain muscle, “tone,” improve flexibility, get stronger, look better, and feel better. Some people’s goals are very personal–maybe you’re struggling with a chronic health problem, and fitness was prescribed to you by a doctor as a way to manage the symptoms. Maybe you’re looking to improve your mental well-being by getting some much-needed dopamine.

Regardless of your why, goals can serve as a benchmark for your success in the gym. It can be tremendously difficult to stay motivated in an unfamiliar space, but goals allow you to celebrate the small successes through your journey. They can help you see how far you’ve come! Maybe your goal when you first stepped into the gym was to bench 50kg, and now your goal is to bench 90kg! For personal trainers, having clients with goals helps to tailor fitness routines and dietary plans to ensure they’re meeting your personal preferences and needs. It can make the overall journey to better health more attainable!

How Can a Personal Trainer Help You Achieve Your Goals?

Personal trainers help play pivotal roles in achieving your health and fitness goals. They do so by providing personalized guidance, support, and expertise. 

When a personal trainer first begins working with you, they’ll assess your existing fitness level, try to understand your fitness objectives and create a tailored workout plan that aligns with your goals. With their extensive knowledge of exercise techniques, nutrition, and body mechanics, trainers can ensure that you perform what you need to effectively in order to meet your goals–as well as safely, to reduce the risk of injury. Staying motivated enough to meet your goals can be difficult, but with a trainer you’ll always have a cheerleader in your corner!

Trainers can also help mix things up along your fitness journey to ensure it all stays fresh and fun. They can keep you challenged and overcome plateaus by suggesting new and varied exercises. Looking for a personal trainer in Calgary to help you meet your fitness goals? Give GRTR fitness a call or send an email to get started today.

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Goal Setting

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