Before Covid rolled around, you might have been killing it at the 6AM bootcamp class every Monday through Friday at your regular gym. Or, maybe, you had a personal trainer who grilled your form on every rep and structured out your programming each week. Post-pandemic, your typical gym routine is a thing of the past as many gyms have only just started to reluctantly reopen with strict rules in-place to protect their members.
If you’ve slipped a little on your training, chances are you’re on the hunt for some motivation to get back into it. Maybe you’re looking for programming, a trainer, or just a little fitspo. If this is true, not to worry! This is still possible, even while much of the fitness world has gone partially or fully virtual.
It’s not the same as an in-person session, that’s for sure. But in our socially-distanced world, it’s the next best thing. There may even be elements of virtual training that you prefer over the real thing! (Ex: your fridge is literally a room away!) So, how does virtual training work? How do you find a personal trainer who will do programming and sessions online?
Virtual Training and Zoom Classes
There’s plenty of options available nowadays. From online Zoom group fitness classes to 1-on-1 personal teletraining, your choices are endless. Your screen can capture your movements as your coach instructs you, offering advice, feedback, and encouragement. This can provide you the motivation you need to start back into training. You might even enjoy the absence of commuting and the time that you save driving to and from a gym!
The advantage to having a personal trainer virtually versus simply following along with a YouTube series is accountability. There’s routine, motivation, and structure. BootyGirl87 might have killer tunes to jam out to while you bust out some burpees but she can’t see if you’ve sandbagged the tail end of your workout and are now sprawled on the floor, scrolling through your Instagram feed. You’ve heard it before: discipline and consistency are the way to go.
The future of fitness is uncertain, but we know now it’s possible to stay on track with the help of virtual training and online programming. A trainer can help you make the most of minimal equipment (and minimal motivation!) to get you prepared for whatever the future may hold.